Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Create A Collage Work

Today I learnt how to make a collage in Google drive, it was fun and easy.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

borderlands animation

Today I learnt how to do basic animating on google slides it is a good starting software to
make animation i also learnt how to compose and make it work

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Scratch work

This is the link to my Scratch work https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/328373185

Friday, 26 July 2019

learning Te Reo

WALT we are Learning to use simple phrases in Te Reo Maori

Wednesday, 26 June 2019


We are learning to reconise and find the volume of cuboids

Monday, 24 June 2019

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Wall book study DLO

The mumbles DLO

The mumbles 🙁 The mumbles happen when you get hypothermia and there speech is mumbled The stumbles 😦 When you find it harder to walk The grumbles 😡 When you get aggressive/angry for no reason because they are most likely cold and wet The fumbles 😨 early signs of hypothermia

Anology DLO

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Callaghan's Ridge Day Tramp

Room 8 and Room 1 went on a day tramp the tramp that we went on was called Callaghans ridge.  With tramp was part of the William Pike challenge.

Half way through the tramp we stopped and ate lunch.  Before we had to eat lunch we had to make a bivouac which is a shelter made out of tarp and rope.  My team shelter wasn’t really good because it was on a slope but it had to do.

This tramp was an excellent day because I got stuck in the rain and we saw some cheeky kea. I liked this tramp because there were massive bracket fungi and amazingly they could hold up my weight. I fell over a couple of times but it was a really good tramp My favorite part of this tramp was that Daniel splashed in loads of puddles.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

School show persasive

Is it good to have shows at school? It's ridiculous to think that we shouldn’t keep having school shows  because school shows are exciting. School shows open your mind things whether you like them or not. They also are a chance to see something you might not go to otherwise.

Some schools shows are  strange. One example of this was “Blue Guru”.  This was strange for me because school shoes are  different cultures that I did not understand. School shows  help you make you more inclusive of other cultures and understand a little bit more about other cultures

I think that most school shows are more for younger students.  Most senior students enjoy school shows but not as much for older students.  To me they seem that they are more designed for younger students.

In conclusion My favorite show is magic. It is exciting and mysterious and magic shows are  amazing. I like how the magician pulls off amazing stunts like the old guy with the tropical birds and he makes them disappear.  

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Quick Car poem / animation

Zombie Poem

Zombie poem by - Caleb and Eamon 
Zombies around me staring me down
I Cannot blink or make a sound  
These soulless creatures walking with fear
Yellow beaming eyes as faint as a car ligh
These reanimated beast with a cringing grin
And their revolting rotting skin
They leave me in torment and raging denial
I wish them dead and gone for good,
burning up like firewood. 
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. 
I'll kill them all, if I must. 
Those hideous faces and evil grins. 
They look at me, and I'll blow off their chins. 
I'll chop them up, into rotten meat. 
I hate everyone of you bloodthirsty creatures. 
I'll smack every smile back into a frown. 
Boom! Pop! Munch! They gather up in a bunch and eat me up.

Coordinates DLO WK4

Finger print Poem

I am from Xbox and Microsoft and Halo 5
I am from the green bean bag and the dark hallway
I am from the green garden I am from football
and the Norfolk pine I am from the sounds of my cat my tidy room
from New Years Eve and Christmas and Easter
I am from gaming and sleeping 
and from surfing and horse riding.
I am from “Shrek” and ‘Transformers”.
I was told as a child, “Get out side!”
I am from the beach and body boarding
I am from my mum and dad.
My birth place is Greymouth
My family food is pizza.
I remember I was at a friends house trying to open a toy packet
 with a knife but instead it cut my left thumb.


Thursday, 21 March 2019

Race relations day

One day I would like to turn on the news
and hear, there's peace on earth.