Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Maui legends

As part of Matariki we re- read the lengends of Maui. We then retold a  legend and created artwork. Below is my work. 

                                The Fish Of Maui   

Maui had magical powers and was much better at everything than his four brothers Roto, Mua, Pae, and Taha. They planned to go fishing the next day but they had not told Maui. They were jealous and didn’t want Maui to come. Early next morning Maui hid in the bottom of his brother’s waka.  When his brothers were ready to fish, Maui noticed that they were in a bad fishing spot so Maui leapt out of his hiding place and he said, “This isn’t a good fishing place”. Maui took control over the waka and headed south. After a long time they finally stopped at a place that Maui decided was a good place to fish. He needed bait and asked his brothers, “Can I have some bait?” “No Maui! ”, the brothers replied. So Maui smacked himself in the  nose to get his own blood to use as bait. Maui got his magical jawbone and he spun his jawbone around as fast as a taiaha. He threw his magical jawbone into the water and waited until he caught something.  Then he felt a huge tug on the line.  He heaved and tugged and he pulled up a giant fish that become the North Island.  Maui told his brothers to not whack the fish or they would damage it. He had to go the head of the fish to get his jawbone. He got his magical jawbone and ran back but the flatfish turned into mountain ranges and hills because his brothers were jealous and they whacked and cut up the fish. The giant fish became the North Island of New Zealand and Maui’s waka became the South Island.

The End  
Retold by Caleb and Billy     


My mihi 2017

here is my mihi video        

Monday, 24 July 2017

Classroom kupu

We have been learning how to say the names for 
Classroom objects in Te Reo Maori. Here is the slideshow I did to  show my learning.  

Thursday, 6 July 2017

science term 2 2017

This term  we have been doing science. We have
been learning about the water cycle and states of matter. here is some of my learning.   

Persuasive writing- why do we need pets

We have been having a go at writing a piece of persuasive writing. Here is my piece of writing  about why we should have pets.

A Short Statement about pets topic.
eg. sho


Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic.  What you believe or want to argue.

Why do we need pets ?
we need pets to helps find  out items and  help the police if we didn’t have pets it would be sad and we wouldn’t get fit.

Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic.  Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.

-supporting detail, reasons, examples

firstly Police dogs police dogs are super helpful if we didn’t  have them people will get away with crime. lots of cops need help with getting people they also sniff the pockets  so the won’t carry anything banned or anything that is not  allowed into the country.

secondly Airport dogs help with looking and sniffing out banded items this is a good job for pets and if we didn’t have these pets people could bring banned items into the country we are lucky that we have trained dogs that help us

thirdly some trained dogs help people with disabilities like blind people.They are trained when they are born they help people get fit and make them happy. I love pets and it would be a shame if  they had to go.

Concluding statement
Summing it up.  A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.

persuasive writing- why should we fix our feld

We have been having a go at writing a piece of persuasive writing. Here is my piece of writing  about why we should fix our field.  

A Short Statement about the topic.
eg. ‘Rugby League Is A Great Sport’

Save Our Field !!!!!!!

Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic.  What you believe or want to argue.
I strongly advise that we need  to get the field back we would not get fit and we need to train for sport and also do  cross country.  Most of the space in our school is used for the feld.

Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic.  Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.

-supporting detail, reasons, examples                                                                                                                                                                                                

secondly it is constantly boggy a lot of the time it was out of use. We should make use of all our sports equipment and the money is going to waste we use our money to pay for bus trips camps etc we could fundraise for the field.

Thirdly we do lots of special events like the hangi but when the field is to wet and damp we can’t do special events on the field we need our field back urgently.

finally we could make use of all of the sports equipment and most of the money is going to waste a large part of the school is also going to waste.  MAKE OUR FIELD GREAT AGAIN !!! 😃😀😃😀😃😀
